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The Documentary "Anne Sophie Jørgensen - a spiritual teacher" sheds light on the profound works and teachings of a modern day spiritual teacher in a western country. Through interviews and private photos Anne Sophie tells the story of her life and the making of Tigers Nest, Taktsang Denmark. 

The movie is in Danish with English subtitles. Duration 29 min.

"We could consider this time with major limitations and restrictions as a retreat. A retreat is where you usually make a choice to withdraw from everyday life. But here, the restrictions have come to us in an undesirable form, but I think it could be of help to many people to apply a retreat frame to the situation."


Anne Sophie Jørgensen talks about how this difficult time, can be adapted to a form of personal retreat.

"On this beautiful spring day, I will talk about something ugly!"


The Corona crisis is not only a health, a social and an economic crisis. It is also a challenge for the “collective unconscious”: We all share a collective nightmare and collective anxiety because of the corona crisis. We need to deal with that. But we can only deal with it from within.


Anne Sophie Jørgensen responds to the consequences of the corona crisis, how people can be affected, and offers a perspective on how to deal with it.


Let's solve this crisis from our own mind, together and all around the world.

This Corona crisis reminds us that death is part of life. It is therefore a good occasion to explore your relationship to death, also for the sake of your loved ones.

In this video Anne Sophie Jørgensen offers her perspective on death, and draws inspiration from bygone times.

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