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A higher Perspective

In a time of crisis, spirituality offers a higher perspective on the situation.


In this video Anne Sophie Jørgensen responds to the consequences of the corona crisis, how people can be affected, and offers a perspective on how to deal with it.


Anne Sophie Jørgensen


Anne Sophie

Anne Sophie Jørgensen (born 1954) is a spiritual teacher, author and the leader of the Meditation Centre Tiger's Nest, in Denmark. Approximately 75 students have chosen to settle in Gedved to follow her teaching closely. Since 1988 thousands of people have received spiritual teaching at Tiger's Nest, and every year many new students sign up to be guided and inspired by Anne Sophie. Her teaching is also communicated through her books, in which she writes about meditation and tantra and about life as human beings in constant process.


Official Recognition From the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan

Since 2007, Anne Sophie has had a close and mutually beneficial connection to Bhutan. In 2019, this resulted in an official letter of recognition from Venerable Dorje Lopen Rinpoche, on behalf of the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan. The letter confirms Anne Sophie´s close karmic connection to Yeshe Tsogyal, and how she has succeeded in translating essential aspects of Buddhist teaching to a western context. 


Christianity and Buddhism have always been part of Anne Sophie´s spiritual foundation. In her teachings, the two religions are not presented in a traditional way. Instead she attempts to teach from the essence of both spiritual streams.


Anne Sophie’s teaching

Anne Sophie’s teaching can be described as a source from which she communicates through her vivid language, her meditation and her presence. Her teaching unfolds dynamically in the present moment, and springs from the participating students´ personal processes, as well as currently active societal and collective themes. Anne Sophie teaches advanced meditation, tantra and the liberation of consciousness. The teaching is non-dogmatic and communicated in a way that can be integrated in ordinary daily life. For many, it is a powerful experience to receive Anne Sophie's teaching. To be in her meditative presence, can be experienced as being touched by compassion and consciousness.


Social Renewal

For Anne Sophie it is essential that spiritual work is linked to social renewal.  She works for a contemporary vibrant spirituality that does not imply withdrawal from daily life. Rather, spirituality is integrated in our modern way of living with all its implications and understood as something that can enliven every moment in daily life. As a human being, you may discover that there is always something you can improve. Or that you always have something to contribute with.


Many at Tigers Nest have discovered that a life with family, career and practical obligations need not be a contradiction to a spiritually active life. Through Anne Sophie’s teaching and the mutually beneficial learning gained at the centre, a basis for new ways of living is established, where daily life can be a source to spiritual growth, and spirituality cannot be separated from daily life.


Inspiration and background

Throughout her life, Anne Sophie has been inspired by different currents and people.

She spent part of her childhood in Greenland, and the encounter with nature impressed her deeply. In her youth she studied psychology at Aarhus University. During those years she met two spiritual teachers, first Jes Bertelsen, and later Bob Moore. Through these meetings, she became aware that she was not alone in her contact with spiritual realms. Discovering that there also were others who worked for the liberation of consciousness became a source of great joy for her.



Early in her life, Anne Sophie experienced that sexuality and spirituality are closely connected. In tantra sexuality is a way into spirituality, and spirituality a way into sexuality. She has written several books on the subject.


​Just as Anne Sophie's other teaching is adapted to the conditions of modern time, her teaching about tantra addresses a true need amongst modern men and women. A path is indicated to deeper, more nourishing and satisfying meetings between the sexes.

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